Big News: new article about Cooperative Learning, on, was prompted by casual conversation, thus: "A member of the local school board told me, 'In the 21st century they’ll have to be able to work in groups, so we may as well teach them how to do it.' He was so confident in his pronouncement, and seemed to think there was nothing else to say. His confidence had the opposite effect on me. I heard nothing but sophistry in that little comment; and I realized, with some regret, I had to write an article explaining why Cooperative Learning is just another tawdry gimmick."...See it here.
More Big News: new book consists of statements by 50 teachers, thinkers and community leaders. (I'm #6.) "Faces of Learning" is an excellent gift for teachers. Sam Chaltain, the editor, is crusading from the center. I'm more the contrarian, so I'm pleased he included me. (Facesoflearning,net)
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